Hurricanes of 2020
What happened?
What now?
What happened?
In November of 2020, back to back hurricanes hit Honduras. The property of the children’s home bordered a levee that broke in the midst of the first storm. Thankfully, all of the children were evacuated by boat before the levees broke, but the damage done to the property was devasting. Even though it had been their home for nearly two decades, it was realized that the property would never be safe enough for the kids to return.
After disaster struck, so many of you gave to the emergency relief fund. Nearly a year was spent renting homes for the children as
next steps were planned. It was known that return was not an option. The desire was to find another large property that was NOT in a flood zone. But during that year, something magical happened. The kids were thriving living in a house, surrounded by neighbors (some friendly….some not) and living their childhoods in a more typical setting. This led to the model being changed to family style living in single family homes.
In late 2021, with the funds raised after the hurricanes, three plots of land were purchased within the same neighborhood.
In 2022, two new homes were built for the youngest boys and the adolescent boys. Once again, these homes were built with funds given by so many of you.
Now what?
The boys are thriving in their new houses. They play daily in the neighborhood park. They have the freedom to hop on a bike and purchase an extra dinner ingredient from the small corner market. They are once again learning to navigate and respond respectfully to grumpy neighbors who don’t appreciate their energy nor volume.
And now it’s the girls’ turn. The third plot of land that we purchased will be for our girls, including our two female university students. A two-story house will have the girls who are under 18 living together on the first floor with their caretakers. The second story will be a handful of apartments so that our college girls can live independently, while still having the safety and comfort of living on the same property.
Making a donation is the first step in making this dream for the girls a reality.
To make a one-time or monthly donation to our emergency fund, click here.
The Children’s Home Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Tax id number 46-1065421. Donation receipts will be issued in January of each year unless otherwise requested.
Here is a peek at what your one-time donation could help to buy!
$250 will purchase the new bed for one of the girls
$1000 will install all of the doors and windows in this new house
$2500 will provide all of their kitchen appliances
$5000 will feed all of the girls for six months